Torre del bierzo
Torre del Bierzo is a Spanish municipality and place in the Bierzo region, province of León, autonomous community of Castilla y León, located and forming part of Bierzo Alto.
DataWater Torre del Bierzo
We continue the deployment of the DataWater telemetry system throughout Leon.
This municipality has been highly impressed with our DataWater solution and has requested its installation in 6 reservoirs, each corresponding to a different population center.
✔️ #TorreDelBierzo. This town, currently the head of the municipality, was one of the most important population centers in the area during the golden age of mining.
✔️ #AlbaresDeLaRibera. A peaceful population center nestled on one of the slopes of the Boeza River.
✔️ #SanAndrésDeLasPuentes. This quiet village in the municipality is located on the same road that leads to San Facundo.
✔️ #SantaMarinaDeTorre. Situated to the south of the municipal center, with a population of 199 inhabitants.
✔️ #SantaCruzDeMontes. Located in the Montes de León, entering the Bierzo Valley from the plateau.
✔️ #LaGranjaDeSanVicente. Located a few kilometers from Torre del Bierzo, it has a railway station.

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